Tuesday, September 30, 2008

god knows wat

Trying to solve our lives,
we are trying to devise
a way a road to go forward

Trying to find a pattern
trying to analyse our fights
we are trying hard to be together

trying to listen
trying to comfort
trying to give what we want for ourselves

but in our quest for reaching out
we lose ourselves
moulding oneself in other's cast
feeling disgusted all the while

I am banished, dejected
lost and neglected
but trying is all that comes to my mind

trying is the key,
so say philosophers
it's perseverance that matters
so say the wordlywise
try go try thats the advice
but trying is trying so says I

Monday, September 8, 2008

Not Often

It’s not often that I tell you
You mean to me so much
And I frequently forget to mention
That I really love your touch

Those strong arms seem to tell me
You want to hold me forever
Your warm embrace confirms
We’ll always be together

I like to steal a glance or two
Of your face when you ain’t looking
I love to catch you unawares
And pretend something’s cooking!

You seem to know me better
More than I could have guessed
You understand and still you’re around
Tells so much that’s left unsaid

Promises, keepsakes, bundles of joy
I got, but still want more
I’ll never tire of you my love
We’ll stay connected, my heart to yours.


It was this sadness that i was evading
when i said i cannot be with you,
The melancholy love i was running from
when i said i cannot continue.

I was running way from emptiness,
but i feel it all around
I wanted to escape this sadness
this sad invisible sound.
It surrounds me from dawn to dusk
this pain is profound.

It isnt a broken relationship i lament
it the faith that i mourn,
I thought we didnt need to name it
I presumed it was known.

With a simple nod of your head,
or a twinkle in my eye,
we conveyed without a word
answers to how where and why.

Let's try and freeze those moments
and nor endeavor to live them again,
perhaps that magic got dissolved in time
both lost to no one's gain.

In you i found a confidant
a friend, a guide, a fellow maniac
but all that is wasted
(we would better be alone)
our common dreams rested.