Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Before i Kick the Bucket

We all gotta die right..? Who knows i might be the next in queue.. so here is my bucket list.. full of conventional as well as eccentric stuff.. things im most passionate about:

1. Get a tattoo ;) favourably on shoulder or near the ankle..a small, classy, artistic one

2. See my name on the cover of a book.. (as an author!)

3. Do something risky very very very risky but adventurous.. like getting lost in a jungle perhaps? or ok forget it, i would settle for a bike ride in the himalayas..

4. To go tipsy and dance to my hearts content..!! (this can be arranged, no?)

5. To get some real nice feminine summer dresses and get a photo-shoot done near Lutyen's Delhi!

6. To have panther lick my hand with love once.. he never does.. i dnt want to die without panther licking my hand..

7. Finish my "Happy Book" with Hina.. those know about it know about it

8. To make my own house.. i mean.. to be able to have large windows, green green very very green plants, my kinda furniture and loads of stuff in my mind that i hope to do in my home.. my own home.. i may not live there.. bt i wanna let loose my creativity in that one place

9. Err.. ok, this may sound cheesy but i would like to have a baby before I die.. i mean, who doesn't? But then, who will take care if her? I will think of something. Don't worry.

10. To hug everyone i love and get them together somehow and have a living funeral-cum-party..

ok, cant think of more right now..would jot in as i feel another eccentric thought building up in my mind!