Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today was not a study day

Just witnessed the quintessential winter rain of Delhi. The first of the many sporadic rainfalls that bring down the temperature of this city giving us the notoriously piercing cold and seductive Delhi winters. Seductive? Yes, because it won’t let you work, it will induce you into going to bed with it and would make you long for the warmth of the blanket making it so tough to tear yourself away from the bed when morning beckons.
"Today is NOT a study day" 
I hereby declare the aforesaid (with retrospective-effect of course) so that I don't feel guilty anymore. Not that I had permitted myself the luxury of having a holiday today, but today it seems, is not meant for fulfilling any academic pursuits I may have had. The day did involve a lot of reading though. I lick-read my newspapers, an old Tehelka, blogs and a few stray articles. But prepare for exams, that I didn't do. My mind and I are in no way gonna be trapped today in the boring provisions of The Limitation Act, my current subject of study. Notwithstanding its utility and notwithstanding the utmost importance this statute holds --- it’s not going to hold my attention today..try as I may.

There’s a strange excitement in the air tonight. Has been there since evening. It is sweetly strange because apart from exams, nothing very exciting awaits me at the end of the November tunnel. But I still have a feeling. And it's new yet so familiar. I wonder why but feeling this feeling is like meeting an old friend inside me whom I missed so much.