Tuesday, August 4, 2009


There are certain things we come across our lives, that alter its route or give it a new direction, they teach us, guide us and sometimes bring us face to face with our biggest fears and introduce us to ourselves.. leaving a lasting impact on our psyche.. everytime i read, hear or watch something like that i make a quick mental note..that very often i'd say to myself: "I'd introduce this to my children one day!"

Most of these masterpieces reflect my innermost strengths and weaknesses and at the same time attract me because of the underlying subtle morality in them, that comes to us not as an aim, but almost as an afterthought.

So, here we go:

1. Jane Eyre: my most innocent belief

2. GWTW: need anything be said?

3. Rocky series.. nothing like it

4. The song: "Eye of the Tiger".. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjO1CXND4V8

5. This one must be exceedingly common in this rain-deprived city, and is also off the mark here in this list of my favourites.. but i liked this pic and i love rain and so here's a slot for "rain"

More to come later.. gotta rush!