Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kiran Nagarkar ~ Cuckold


I am not a big fan of reading Indian English books, I prefer Indian books in Indian languages. But this one clearly stood out for me. Read this one through my trip to London and Scotland this summer. A fantastic blend of Rajasthani culture, Mewar history and perverse human nature and desire for power. A story of a 'loser' told in a way that you don't want to put it down.

Monday, August 28, 2017


I find myself in a strange place. Closer to you than I have felt in months. Talk of ill tidings! 

I have so much to say but I don't know if I will be able to write. I want to. I want to. I love you. You're there.


PS: jab bhi ye dil udaas hota hai, jaane kaun aas paas hota hai

Sunday, August 20, 2017

in & out

Here I am. Back again. Presuming that I had left. No I had not. I was making do with the old posts till the time I knew would return that I would again start posting new stuff. I missed you! 

I don't know where I am personally. I am in between houses, life, confusion, pending work, a lot of missing, yeah a lot of missing is also happening. I am also in a constant place where you need counselling. Stuff that one would anyway later ignore, but clarity has always been my thing. I love it, I need it. I recently decoded it about me.

For now, I will go. More later. I crazy crazy love it that you are there.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Bad Science - Ben Goldacre

Read it on the flight back from Kalimpong. P made me read and I had nothing else to read. A couple of chapters are interesting in an informative way. I hear it is a best seller but the condescending manner it is written made it hard to bear. 

The Sign of Four - Sherlock Holmes

Picked it up from the home stay we stayed at in Kalimpong. Sherlock all the way. Nothing spectacular but you want to have read all of Holmes, no?

Libaas (Screenplay) -Gulazar

Read this on the flight to Kalimpong a week back. A neat one hour read. There was no need for the author to call it Libaas.. found it progressive in some sense but even the progressiveness seemed to be interwoven in a web of patriarchy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Difficulty of Being good

This blog is fast becoming a sort of an inventory of books I have read. Adding to the list here is Gurcharan Das's 'The Difficulty of Being Good'. I have enjoyed how it juxtaposes the mythological with the contemporary and the personal. I would not call it new in the philosophical sense, but it reaffirms many things that call for reaffirmation time and again. Too practical for my taste at times when it comes to his personal choices at life, but the author does manage to do justice to the story of Mahabharata and its correlation of contemporary politics. I enjoyed the process of reading it. If you are familiar with the story of Mahabharata you can probably finish the book in one or two sittings.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Nadi Ke Dweep - Agyeya

Agyeya's Nadi Ke Dweep

 हाल ही में यह किताब पढ़ी गयी। बहुत अच्छी लगी। अज्ञेय का लिखा मैं सब पढ़ना चाहती हूँ। 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Write write write!

I'm actually really feeling as if my feet are dipped in sweet honey and my head being gently massaged. My mind engrossed in words and my heart is light and warm. And I have realised that I am really alright when I want to write. Since morning there is a urge in me. To write. To again put word to paper. To scribble. So much so that I made two lists today, as I always do. A list with things to do and another with things done. You would smile as I say this, but every time I would tick something off my to do list, I would jot it down in the things done list. Just to write, actually write. 

And so here I am. Back to you. 

Even in the morning I wrote on way to work. Mostly on the cellphone. Something must be happening right. :)

Today on way to work I did one other thing. I fast read a book. An entire book. Not a super thin one either. I fast read it, employing fair bit of mind to it so much so that I was able to brief P on it. Some parts needed to be used for a case he was to appear in today. 

This brings me to my work. These past few weeks were not as satisfying but today was exceptional. I feel more enthusiasm more optimism more hope breathed into my work and my day. I was able to accomplish much and as usual felt great thereafter. The end of the day was great to when PB handed me over a box of cake. Like a child I beamed. P had a hearty laugh looking at me.